Forensics Introduction

  1. 2. Study of insect activity on cadavers most often used for time of death
  2. 3. Analysis of skeletal remains from crime scenes
  3. 5. Study of criminal behavior
  4. 7. Forensic dentistry most often used for human identification
  5. 9. Determination of the cause and manner of death
  6. 10. Part of the Department of Justice. Investigates drug crimes
  7. 12. Engineering principles used forensic cases.
  8. 13. Part of Homeland Security specializing in inks and counterfeit currency
  9. 14. A witness to a crime who testifies what they saw or heard.
  10. 16. Analysis of physical evidence from a crime scene.
  11. 17. Part of the Department of Justice. Investigates explosives and firearms
  12. 18. Part of the Department of Justice. Larges forensic lab in the world.
  1. 1. psychology criminal matters
  2. 4. computer science of criminal and civil offenses
  3. 6. Part of the department of the interior. Investigates crime with animals and Plants
  4. 8. A scientist who analyzes evidence generated by criminal or civil offenses
  5. 11. Investigates crimes through the mail.
  6. 15. Application of science to matters involving the public or legal matters.