Specific vocabulary to succeed in life!

  1. 2. I´m positive that the news on the amount of hw to be done for Thursday will cause an ____.
  2. 5. Jesús gives so _____ classes that it makes me want to be a teacher myself.
  3. 7. Florencia thought I was ______ when I told her there were 2 essays for hw.
  4. 10. Maite will be utterly _____ when I tell her she did the wrong essay.
  5. 11. I can help you with your Maths homework. ____ you, I´m no expert in this area.
  6. 12. Agu was so _____ in the hw she was doing, that she forgot to take a shower before class.
  1. 1. Life is about _____ up against all sorts of problems, until you realise you´ve forgotten to write the essay for Jesús.
  2. 3. I know your compositions will _____ up to my expectations, because you will have listened and applied everything I told you to do.
  3. 4. There´s so much vocabulary to _____ to memory...I just want to kill Jesús.
  4. 6. Though the topic of the essay didn´t interest me in the ____, I could finish it for you, Jesús.
  5. 8. There´s a _____ of difference between having classes on Mondays, and having classes on Mondays...but with you.
  6. 9. This new trick which I´m about to tell you will _____ your writing skills.