Lab Safety Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. When _____ acids, always pour into water, never the reverse. Combine the liquids slowly while stirring the mixture with a glass rod. Just remember the jingle, "Like ya otter ...add acid to water."
  2. 5. Keep hands away from _____, eyes, and mouth while using any chemicals, solutions, or materials in the laboratory
  3. 7. Dispose of all paper, wooden splints, toothpicks, glass, and other solids in the trash cans, not the sinks
  4. 8. Pass used matches through running _____ before disposing in the trash cans
  5. 9. ______ are not permitted into the storage room or teacher workroom without prior approval
  6. 10. Never _____ anything or touch chemicals unless specifically instructed to do so
  7. 13. Use burners with extreme caution. Turn off a _____ burner when not in use
  8. 16. Tie back long ____ during laboratory activities
  9. 17. Never carry hot equipment or dangerous _______ through a crowd of students
  10. 18. Remove all broken _____ from work areas and floors as soon as possible. Never handle broken _____ with bare hands. Report mercury thermometers to the instructor right away
  1. 1. Follow all _______ and verbal instructions carefully
  2. 2. Wash ______ thoroughly at the conclusion of every laboratory
  3. 4. Keep work areas _____
  4. 5. Know _____ drill procedures
  5. 6. When removing an _______ plug from the socket, pull on the plug, not the cord
  6. 7. Wear closed-toe _____, at all times, in the laboratory activities
  7. 11. _____ and drinking in the laboratory is strictly forbidden
  8. 12. Never ____ reagents back into bottles, exchange liquids or stoppers of bottles, or lay stoppers on the table
  9. 14. Do not bring any _______ in contact with a flame unless instructed to do so.
  10. 15. Always test the ____ of chemicals by waving your hand above the container and sniffing cautiously from a distance (wafting)