Reading and Writing 2 PowerCards Crossword

  1. 8. this type of conflict involves the character in opposition with society or government
  2. 11. this is the first genre of writing that we are going to do in writing class
  3. 12. this genre of writing is "story writing"
  4. 13. this genre of writing tries to persuade the reader to agree with the writer
  1. 1. when the narrator is a character in the story. Uses "I", "Me", "Myself", "We"
  2. 2. this type of conflict takes place in a character's mind
  3. 3. this type of conflict involves two characters having an issue with one another
  4. 4. this type of conflict is a character's battle against their own destiny
  5. 5. this type of conflict comes from natural forces like the weather or natural disasters
  6. 6. when the narrator directly addresses "You"
  7. 7. when the narrator is not a character in the story. Uses "He", "She", "They"
  8. 9. this genre of writing is "informative writing"
  9. 10. this type of conflict is when technology becomes too powerful or is being used for evil