Plate Tectonics & Evidences

  1. 3. a broad region of variable character that may be compressed or extended.
  2. 7. reversals are recorded in ocean floor rocks as the sea floor spreads apart
  3. 8. agglomerate, tuff, and ignimbrite formed by the accumulation at the earth's surface of dust and fragments ejected by explosive volcanic eruptions
  4. 10. It lines up parallel to the Earth’s present magnetic field.
  1. 1. persistent periods of activity ranging from effusive lava flows to explosive eruptions with variable intensity
  2. 2. also called a conservative boundary.
  3. 4. ridge traps sedimentary deposits and is underlain by faulted and highly deformed sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.
  4. 5. A tool used for recording symmetrical magnetic field across ridge
  5. 6. lava flows formed by magma erupting from volcanoes at the earth's surface.
  6. 9. an example of a zone of mountains that rose when India collided with the Eurasian continent.