States of Matter and Change

  1. 1. a state of matter that does not change shape or volume in a different container
  2. 3. a form of energy released or absorbed during a chemical change
  3. 6. does not result in a new substance
  4. 10. anything that has mass or volume
  5. 12. when heat is absorbed
  6. 13. a substance with a pH level of 0 through 7
  7. 14. a mixture in which one substance dissolves into the other
  8. 15. results in a new substance
  9. 16. a substance with a pH of exactly 7
  10. 18. substances that start a chemical reaction
  11. 19. changes shape and volume
  1. 1. physical things that can be seen, touched, or measured
  2. 2. when heat is released during a chemical reaction
  3. 4. a mixture in which the substances cannot be separated easily
  4. 5. when two or more substances are put together
  5. 6. a test of how acidic, basic or neutral something is
  6. 7. a mixture in which the substances can be separated easily
  7. 8. substances produced by a chemical reaction
  8. 9. a paper tester that changes color based on pH of the substance
  9. 11. changes shape but does not change volume
  10. 17. a substance with a pH level of 7 through 14