The Scientific Method

  1. 7. step-by-step process for doing an experiment about the natural world
  2. 9. how we test a hypothesis
  3. 10. list of steps needed to carry out an experiment step by step
  4. 11. noticing something, using your five senses, in the natural world
  5. 12. information that comes from the results of your experiment
  6. 13. finding out more information about your topic
  1. 1. after viewing results, a statement that accepts or rejects the hypothesis
  2. 2. list of items needed to carry out an experiment
  3. 3. testable prediction
  4. 4. the type of variable that is affected by the experiment
  5. 5. something you ask, based on your observation; drives your whole experiment
  6. 6. the type of variables that need to remain the same each time your experiment is carried out
  7. 8. the type of variable that is being tested or changed in your experiment