Puzzle # 4

  1. 2. Natural language processing.
  2. 5. Online education.
  3. 6. Virtual reality.
  4. 7. Computer vision.
  5. 8. A digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security.
  6. 10. APP A software application designed to run on a mobile device.
  7. 11. Social media.
  8. 13. GAMING Playing video games over the internet.
  9. 15. Augmented reality.
  10. 18. Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
  11. 19. Internet of Things.
  1. 1. A system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system.
  2. 3. A virtual world focused on social connection.
  3. 4. Deep learning.
  4. 5. Online shopping.
  5. 9. Artificial intelligence.
  6. 11. The delivery of multimedia content in real time over the internet.
  7. 12. Cloud computing.
  8. 14. Non-fungible token.
  9. 16. DATA Massive amounts of data that is analyzed to reveal patterns, trends, and associations.
  10. 17. Machine learning.