ist vocab

  1. 6. A digital video camera that allows you to capture video and usually audio input for your computer or mobile device.
  2. 10. A small symbol on the screen whose location and shape change as a user moves a pointing device.
  3. 11. Audio output devices that generate sound.
  4. 12. A touch-sensitive display device.
  5. 14. handheld device with internet capabilities that includes features such as a calendar, address book, notepad, games, browser, and other applications.
  6. 17. Small speakers that rest inside each ear canal.
  7. 18. An output device that produces text and graphic on a physical medium such as paper or other material.
  8. 20. Call in which all parties see one another as they communicate over the Internet.
  9. 21. An aircraft controlled by an onboard computer, GPS, remote control, or an app on a computer or mobile device.
  1. 1. A computer or mobile device's capability of distinguishing spoken words.
  2. 2. Term used to refer to data.
  3. 3. an electronic device that processes data according to rules, generates information, and stores it for future use.
  4. 4. high-speed internet connection that uses radio signals to connect devices wirelessly, allowing them to communicate with each other.
  5. 5. A printer that utilizes additive manufacturing to create a three-dimensional object by adding material one horizontal layer at a time.
  6. 7. A display that is packaged as a separate peripheral device.
  7. 8. A pointing device that fits under the palm of your hand comfortably.
  8. 9. Software that searches for and provides information related to a specific topic, including websites, webpages, images, videos, news, and maps.
  9. 13. Audio output device that cover or are placed outside the ear.
  10. 15. Input device that contains keys you press to enter data and information into a computer or mobile device.
  11. 16. Data that has been processed into a useful form.
  12. 19. An output device that visually conveys text, graphics, and video information.