Krishna and his pastimes

  1. 4. The dwarf form of the lord
  2. 6. the elder brother of lord krishna
  3. 9. the all attractive one
  4. 13. Appeared with the axe in treta yuga
  5. 16. the prince and king of Ayodhya
  6. 17. Krishna accepted this demon as his mother
  7. 19. Prabhupada's father
  8. 20. Sarasvati was the spriritual guru of prabhupada.
  1. 1. In Kaliyuga Sri krihna Himself Appeared as____.
  2. 2. Land where mother yashoda & Nananda Maharaja ruled
  3. 3. The tortoise form of the lord
  4. 5. The Gaudiya Vaisnava society honored Prabhupada in 1947 with this Title.
  5. 7. Krishna after killing came to be know as Madhusudan
  6. 8. Wrote nector of devotion
  7. 10. Srila Prabhupada childhood name
  8. 11. the incernation of Lord who killed Hiranyaksha
  9. 12. the fish incarnation of lord
  10. 14. The Cargo ship which srila prabhupada boarded to preach western countries.
  11. 15. he started the english fortnightly magazine back to____.
  12. 18. ___are the Significant contribution to mankind.