Complete the Geologic Crossword Puzzle that featuring Earth Science vocabulary.

  1. 6. - largest moon of Saturn
  2. 7. - the period of time it takes for a substance undergoing decay to decrease by half.
  3. 8. - a method of determining numerical age of rocks using radioactive decay.
  4. 12. - solid material that is move and deposited in a new location
  5. 13. - an early stage in the formation of star resulting from the gravitational collapses of gases.
  6. 15. - formed from previously existing rock such as igneous and sedimentary rocks.
  7. 19. - the deterioration of rocks, soils and minerals through contact with water, atmospheric gases, sunlight and biological organism
  8. 20. - a geological formation in which all strata are inclined in the same direction.
  1. 1. - form when tectonics plates beneath the Earth's surface diverge.
  2. 2. - a method of determining the age of rocks in each layer by identifying the relative order of previous events.
  3. 3. - it is formed when two or more of Earth's tectonic plates converge and the older, denser plate is pushed beneath the higher plate and deep into the mantle.
  4. 4. - a magma that cooled and hardened beneath the surface.
  5. 5. - located between Mars and Jupiter. Grained sized up to hundreds of kilometers in diameter.
  6. 9. - small body of rock, iron, ice, methane, ammonia, carbon dioxide that orbit the sun elliptically.
  7. 10. - process in which sediments compact under pressure, expel connate fluids and gradually become solid rock.
  8. 11. -the transformation of existing rock to rock with different mineral composition or texture.
  9. 14. - landform shaped like a triangle, created by the deposition of sediments that is carried by a river and enters slower moving or stagnant water
  10. 16. - a mixture of molten and semi-molten rock found beneath the surface of the Earth.
  11. 17. - process where rocks are broken down by natural forces such as wind or water.
  12. 18. - naturally occurring and coherent aggregate of one or more minerals.