Día de los Muertos

  1. 2. What the word spirit translates to in Spanish
  2. 4. The idea that life as well as death should be celebrated: personified
  3. 5. Something that's burned to guide spirits with it's aroma
  4. 10. Makeup used to honor deceased loved ones
  5. 12. An alter dedicated to the departed
  6. 14. An animal that represents the souls of the departed
  7. 15. A flower used on loved one's graves
  1. 1. The god assosiated with Dia de los Muertos
  2. 3. An alter decoration that represents death and the sweetness of life
  3. 6. Used on the alter to welcome spirits back
  4. 7. Used to quench the thirst of the souls on their way to the alter
  5. 8. A paper decoration that represents the wind and the connection between life and death
  6. 9. A traditional bread baked during Dia de los muertos
  7. 11. The place the souls go to rest
  8. 13. Represents purification for the souls