Work and Energy

  1. 4. Work is negative when the applied force on an object is in the _______direction of the motion
  2. 5. When a force is perpendicular to the movement of the object, ________ work is done
  3. 6. Force times distance
  4. 9. 0.7376 ft lb /s
  5. 11. MJ
  6. 15. This type of potential energy is energy stored in fuels
  7. 18. Energy that moves in waves
  8. 21. work done per time
  9. 23. Work done divided by the input work (energy used)
  10. 24. Energy stored because of its position
  11. 25. Energy stored in charged particles
  1. 1. Work is ________ when the applied force on an object is in the same direction as the motion of the object
  2. 2. 746 Joules
  3. 3. A falling object ______ gravitation potential energy.
  4. 7. Energy due to an object's motion
  5. 8. Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
  6. 10. Twice as much work means ________ as much kinetic energy
  7. 12. An accelerating object _______ kinetic energy as it moves
  8. 13. Maximum work is done when an applied force is _________ to the distance the object moves
  9. 14. If the velocity of an object doubles, the kinetic energy ________
  10. 16. Energy is converted to this due to friction
  11. 17. An object will have _____ gravitational 1 meter above the surface of the moon compared to its energy 1 meter above the surface of the earth
  12. 19. Ramps decrease the amount of _________ needed to push an object
  13. 20. Newton-Meter
  14. 22. Ability to do work