Respiratory System Vocab

  1. 5. A flexible flap of cartilage that covers the opening of the airway during swallowing
  2. 8. Section of the upper respiratory tract that warms, filters and moistens air
  3. 10. The smallest branches of the bronchial tubes
  4. 11. septum The wall between the nostrils
  5. 14. Voicebox, “Adam’s apple”
  6. 16. Oxygen and carbon dioxide transported by the bloodstream
  7. 17. Folded mucous membranes in the larynx which vibrate from expelled air to form sounds
  1. 1. Exchanging gasses between blood and tissue cells
  2. 2. Exchanging gasses between alveoli and blood
  3. 3. Divisions of the trachea into left and right
  4. 4. Windpipe
  5. 6. Air moving in and out of the lungs, breathing
  6. 7. Large, soft and spongy organs in the thoracic cavity
  7. 9. Cells that line the respiratory tract with cilia (microscopic hairs) and mucus to trap and move inhaled particles out of the airways
  8. 12. membrane The lining of the lungs
  9. 13. Thin-walled air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs
  10. 15. Throat