  1. 3. Dual x-ray __________ is a low-exposure radiographic measurement of the spine and hips to evaluate bone density.
  2. 4. What does dys- mean...
  3. 6. A _______ is an artificial substitute for a diseased or missing body part such as a leg that has been amputated.
  4. 12. Which muscle is commonly referred to as the "six-pack" and is located on the abdomen?
  5. 13. Is a ringlike muscle that tightly constricts the opening of a passageway...
  6. 15. What does the prefix chondr/o mean?
  7. 18. Which muscle group is located on the posterior thigh and is responsible for flexing the knee?
  8. 19. What is the medical term for a muscle strain?
  9. 21. What is the condition characterized by the involuntary trembling or quivering of muscles?
  10. 22. An _______ is a mechanical appliance such as a leg brace or splint that is specially designed to control, correct, or compensate for impaired limb function.
  11. 23. Which muscle is located on the upper arm and is responsible for flexing the forearm?
  12. 24. __________ is a bone disease characterized by the excessive breakdown of bone tissue that is followed by abnormal bone formation.
  13. 25. The painful condition caused by the muscle tearing away from the tibia is known as...
  1. 1. The surgical suturing of the end of a tendon to a bone is known as...
  2. 2. What is the medical term for a voluntary muscle contraction?
  3. 5. Which neurotransmitter is released at the neuromuscular junction to stimulate muscle contraction?
  4. 7. What is the term for inflammation of a muscle?
  5. 8. Which muscle is responsible for the pumping action of the heart?
  6. 9. What is the largest muscle in the human body?
  7. 10. Weakness or wearing away of body tissues and structures is known as...
  8. 11. Which muscle is located in the calf and is responsible for plantar flexion of the foot?
  9. 14. The condition known as _____ _______ is a type of arthritis characterized by deposits of uric acid crystals in the joints.
  10. 16. Which muscle is often referred to as the "calf muscle" and is commonly involved in running and jumping activities?
  11. 17. What muscle is responsible for extending the knee joint?
  12. 20. The term _____ means lacking normal muscle tone or strength...