Jameson Hawthorne Characteristics Crossword

  1. 2. Throughout the whole book, Jameson had always incorporated a sarcastic joke or a riddle when he spoke. Jameson is very __________ and unknown.
  2. 5. When Jameson's very rich grandfather, Tobias Hawthorne, dies, he leaves Jameson two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Jameson is now very _______.
  3. 6. When Avery is being shot at in the woods, Jameson jumps in front of Avery to save her. This is an example of him being __________ over Avery.
  4. 7. When Emily, Jameson's dead ex-girlfriend is brought up, he becomes _________ over the subject.
  5. 9. When readers are introduced to Jameson, he is drunk with his shirt off standing on a balcony railing. This is an example of him being ________ and irresponsible.
  6. 10. Tobias Hawthorne, Jameson's wealthy grandfather, leaves all of his fortune to a random girl named Avery Grambs after he dies. No explanation was given leaving Jameson to be _______ about why Avery was left the money.
  1. 1. Because Jameson was raised in the Hawthorne Family, a family who loves competitions, Jameson is very ___________.
  2. 3. Jameson is very ____________ when he helps Avery solve riddles by providing information about his family and his personal knowledge .
  3. 4. Jameson only addresses Avery by "Mystery Girl" and "Heiress". Jameson is being ___________ towards Avery as a romantic gesture.
  4. 8. In serious situations, Jameson tends to make _________ jokes to brighten the mood or when he is scared.