Endangered animals crossword

  1. 3. People with this condition usually have to use insulin.
  2. 6. The rain _______ construction projects.
  3. 8. 65 million years ago dinosaur __________ happened.
  4. 10. As I do assignments in CWI, my grade has ___________ increases.
  5. 11. I don't understand the _________ for these restrictions.
  6. 12. There are many threats to the ocean's ____________.
  7. 13. People who speak for a topic in their favor.
  1. 1. If Chivas fans and America fans agreed for something, what would it be called?
  2. 2. Mexico and the USA are__________.
  3. 4. The panda species is __________.
  4. 5. Saving money for gifts is called ____________.
  5. 7. There are many different types of sea animal _______ on this planet.
  6. 9. The court case was a _________ decision due to the lawyer being so good.