
  1. 2. this person launched the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in 1966
  2. 5. people's army
  3. 9. violent overthrow of a government or social order
  4. 10. highest stage of capitalism
  5. 11. act or process of setting someone or a society free
  6. 13. founding head of government of Soviet Russia
  7. 14. division in society based on their relationship to the means of production
  8. 17. instrument of control used by the ruling class to maintain its rule over the means of production or repress the exploited classes
  9. 18. the working class
  1. 1. taking a stand in support of people's struggles
  2. 3. he wrote Das Kapital
  3. 4. occupied by US-backed Israeli forces
  4. 5. revolutionary united front organization of the Filipino people
  5. 6. leader of the Soviet Union from 1924 to 1953
  6. 7. he wrote Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
  7. 8. classless society
  8. 12. primary force for the armed revolution in the Philippines
  9. 15. serfs vs landlords
  10. 16. state of conflict