2023 Eighth Period

  1. 2. likes orchestra, Disney and warmer weather, wants to study biology
  2. 7. likes video games, Legos, pet bunny, wants to go to culinary school
  3. 11. very social and relaible, likes football and baseball
  4. 12. has friends in high school and likes comics
  5. 13. a picky eater who hates losing and wants to be a UFC fighter
  6. 14. likes repairing cars, volleyball and wants to learn Japanese
  7. 15. likes NASCAR, baton and lives on organic food
  1. 1. likes XBox, baseball and basketball and wants to work as an underwater welder
  2. 3. volleyball player, Scooby Doo lover, future career in CSI
  3. 4. sneakerhead who plays the viola and soccer
  4. 5. epic gamer who likes to break glass and run a YouTube channel
  5. 6. likes slippers and Spongebob,from Russia
  6. 8. likes cheer, dance, gymnastics, art and possibly becoming a tatoo artist
  7. 9. enjoys pasta, soccer, basketball, and looking forward to woodworking in high school
  8. 10. does voice impressions, is double jointed likes football, baseball, and the army
  9. 11. this middle child likes video games but not his younger brother
  10. 13. likes the Seattle Seahawks and boxing. Might want to be a lawyer