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  1. 2. Sage and author of the Indian epic, Ramayana
  2. 5. Collection of ancient Indian fables attributed to Vishnu Sharma
  3. 8. Ancient Indian treatise on statecraft and politic
  4. 9. Ancient Indian poet and author of the "Meghaduta" and "Ritusamhara
  5. 11. The celestial architect and builder of the gods' abode
  1. 1. scientist and polymath who made significant contributions to various fields including astronomy, mathematics, and linguistics
  2. 3. mathematician who wrote the earliest known text on algebra
  3. 4. Divine cow and mother of all cows
  4. 6. surgeon who authored the treatise "Sushruta Samhita" on surgery and medicine
  5. 7. Snake deity and king of serpents
  6. 10. Divine serpent who serves as a bed for Lord Vishnu in his cosmic sleep