Central Nervous System/Trauma

  1. 6. A type of dementia is associated with degeneration of the frontal and temporal lobes of the cerebrum, leads to behavioral and personality changes.
  2. 7. A slow growing, generally benign tumor that originates in the arachnoid tissue and is the most common nonglial tumor.
  3. 8. The middle layer of the meninges and has the appearance of cobwebs
  4. 10. Motor and sensory nerves pass through this into the spinal cord
  5. 12. The peripheral nervous system carries motor messages via ¬¬¬___ nerves to muscles
  6. 15. Filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to continuously bathe the brain and the spinal cord with nutrients and to cushion them against shocks and blows.
  7. 16. A fracture of the skeletal system in which the bone has penetrated the skin is termed
  8. 17. The nervous system that controls the voluntary body movements via the use of skeletal muscles.
  1. 1. This prevents the passage of unwanted substances into the brain through special capillaries.
  2. 2. What imaging modality is most commonly used to image the brain of neonates?
  3. 3. What classification is given to a fracture that fails to heal?
  4. 4. The bone has the slowest healing time following traumatic injury.
  5. 5. A ventricular shunt is placed between the ventricles to drain excess CSF in patients diagnosed with what pathology?
  6. 9. This type of meningitis is highly fatal when left untreated
  7. 11. What type of distribution pattern do most deaths from trauma assume?
  8. 13. The correct order of meninges from outer most layer to inner most layer is:
  9. 14. Shoulder dislocations are most commonly displaced: