IT Crossword

  1. 4. Standard error
  2. 6. Serialization framework
  3. 7. Computer program running in background
  4. 8. Program that allows users to interact with their operating system
  5. 14. Type of memory
  6. 15. Two-way interactive communication session between the user's browser and a server
  7. 18. Regular expressions
  8. 21. Receive data from a remote system
  9. 23. Absence of value in Python
  10. 24. Absence of value in most programming languages
  11. 27. Character encoding
  12. 30. Class that cannot be instantiated
  13. 32. Caching server
  14. 34. Cloud data computing platform
  15. 36. Joining strings
  16. 38. Most popular containerization technology
  17. 40. SQL Database
  18. 41. Observability platform
  19. 44. Web server
  20. 46. Open source container orchestration system
  21. 49. Popular Python library for computations
  22. 50. Program that transforms code to executable
  23. 52. Print text to standard output
  24. 53. Type of memory
  25. 56. Type of a sorting alghorithm
  26. 59. Version control system
  27. 61. Programming language
  28. 62. Role based access control
  29. 65. Front-end framework
  30. 71. Type of numbering system
  31. 72. Object that stores a memory address
  32. 73. Verifying the privileges of the user
  33. 75. Text editor
  34. 78. Node.js framework
  35. 80. Change ownership of a file/directory
  36. 82. Automation testing framework
  37. 84. Operating system
  38. 85. Front-end framework
  39. 86. Attribute based access control
  40. 87. Integration of development and operations
  41. 89. Most used type of API today
  42. 90. Value that is prone to change
  43. 91. Property of API to produce the same result for multiple invocations of the same request
  44. 92. Property of calling itself
  45. 94. Change permissions/attributes for a file/directory
  46. 95. Front-end framework
  1. 1. Architectural style
  2. 2. Character encoding
  3. 3. Structuring a database to reduce redundancy
  4. 5. Translating data structures into format that can be stored
  5. 9. Verification of the user
  6. 10. API testing platform
  7. 11. Test framework
  8. 12. Programming language
  9. 13. Search engine
  10. 16. Send a signal to a process, usually to terminate it
  11. 17. CI/CD tool
  12. 19. Parametrized types
  13. 20. SQL Database
  14. 22. Program used to test and debug other programs
  15. 25. Performance metric for network connection
  16. 26. Message broker
  17. 28. Text editor
  18. 29. ORM tool
  19. 31. Infrastructure as a code tool
  20. 33. CSS Framework
  21. 35. Operating system
  22. 37. Relational Database properties
  23. 39. Open-source electronic prototyping platform
  24. 42. Most popular small single-board computer
  25. 43. Cloud provider
  26. 45. Linux command-line tool for searching text data with regex
  27. 47. Programming language
  28. 48. API documentation tool, usually generated from the code
  29. 51. Architectural style
  30. 54. Message broker
  31. 55. Standard output
  32. 57. Multiple computations at the same time
  33. 58. Type of a sorting alghorithm
  34. 60. Instruction set designed for execution by a software interpreter
  35. 63. Programming language
  36. 64. Core of the operating system
  37. 66. Type of Linux shell
  38. 67. Key-value data structure that uses hashes
  39. 68. Standard input
  40. 69. Abstract data type constructed of nodes and relations
  41. 70. Operating system
  42. 74. Atomic unit of work in databases
  43. 76. Low level programming language
  44. 77. Return type of method that does not return a value
  45. 79. Programming language
  46. 81. Improves the speed of data retrieval in a database
  47. 83. NoSQL Database
  48. 84. Architectural style
  49. 88. Cloud solution for code versioning
  50. 93. Enclosing function together with an environment
  51. 94. NoSQL Database