IT Crossword
- 4. Standard error
- 6. Serialization framework
- 7. Computer program running in background
- 8. Program that allows users to interact with their operating system
- 14. Type of memory
- 15. Two-way interactive communication session between the user's browser and a server
- 18. Regular expressions
- 21. Receive data from a remote system
- 23. Absence of value in Python
- 24. Absence of value in most programming languages
- 27. Character encoding
- 30. Class that cannot be instantiated
- 32. Caching server
- 34. Cloud data computing platform
- 36. Joining strings
- 38. Most popular containerization technology
- 40. SQL Database
- 41. Observability platform
- 44. Web server
- 46. Open source container orchestration system
- 49. Popular Python library for computations
- 50. Program that transforms code to executable
- 52. Print text to standard output
- 53. Type of memory
- 56. Type of a sorting alghorithm
- 59. Version control system
- 61. Programming language
- 62. Role based access control
- 65. Front-end framework
- 71. Type of numbering system
- 72. Object that stores a memory address
- 73. Verifying the privileges of the user
- 75. Text editor
- 78. Node.js framework
- 80. Change ownership of a file/directory
- 82. Automation testing framework
- 84. Operating system
- 85. Front-end framework
- 86. Attribute based access control
- 87. Integration of development and operations
- 89. Most used type of API today
- 90. Value that is prone to change
- 91. Property of API to produce the same result for multiple invocations of the same request
- 92. Property of calling itself
- 94. Change permissions/attributes for a file/directory
- 95. Front-end framework
- 1. Architectural style
- 2. Character encoding
- 3. Structuring a database to reduce redundancy
- 5. Translating data structures into format that can be stored
- 9. Verification of the user
- 10. API testing platform
- 11. Test framework
- 12. Programming language
- 13. Search engine
- 16. Send a signal to a process, usually to terminate it
- 17. CI/CD tool
- 19. Parametrized types
- 20. SQL Database
- 22. Program used to test and debug other programs
- 25. Performance metric for network connection
- 26. Message broker
- 28. Text editor
- 29. ORM tool
- 31. Infrastructure as a code tool
- 33. CSS Framework
- 35. Operating system
- 37. Relational Database properties
- 39. Open-source electronic prototyping platform
- 42. Most popular small single-board computer
- 43. Cloud provider
- 45. Linux command-line tool for searching text data with regex
- 47. Programming language
- 48. API documentation tool, usually generated from the code
- 51. Architectural style
- 54. Message broker
- 55. Standard output
- 57. Multiple computations at the same time
- 58. Type of a sorting alghorithm
- 60. Instruction set designed for execution by a software interpreter
- 63. Programming language
- 64. Core of the operating system
- 66. Type of Linux shell
- 67. Key-value data structure that uses hashes
- 68. Standard input
- 69. Abstract data type constructed of nodes and relations
- 70. Operating system
- 74. Atomic unit of work in databases
- 76. Low level programming language
- 77. Return type of method that does not return a value
- 79. Programming language
- 81. Improves the speed of data retrieval in a database
- 83. NoSQL Database
- 84. Architectural style
- 88. Cloud solution for code versioning
- 93. Enclosing function together with an environment
- 94. NoSQL Database