"The Greatest Command: Love the LORD (Be Devotional, Daily)" | Deuteronomy 6:4-9 ✞-word Puzzle | 1.24.24
- 3. We are to ___ the LORD’s commandments, knowing them by heart (Dt 6:6; cf. Pr 3:1; Ps 119:11).
- 7. We are to ___ about the LORD’s commandments all the time, everywhere (Dt 6:7).
- 9. Loving the LORD with all our ___ (נֶפֶשׁ | nepeš) entails loving Him not only with our inner self (heart), but with our entire body – our entire being (Dt 6:5; cf. Gen 2:7; 2:19).
- 10. Deuteronomy 6:4-9, also called The ____, is still repeated by devout Jews daily. It is essentially a pledge of allegiance to the LORD.
- 12. Loving God entails grateful, single-minded, whole-hearted allegiance, loyalty and obedience (cf. Dt 10:12-13; 1 Jn 5:3; Jn 14:15). Love for God is not mere emotion, but ____.
- 13. We are to listen to the LORD, love the LORD, and ___ the words of the LORD – personal commitment and public confession.
- 14. It’s wise to have reminders that our heads (attitudes) and our hands (actions) should be governed by God’s guidelines (Dt 6:8; cf. Pr 3:3; Pr 7:3; Ex 13:9).
- 15. To the LORD we are to devote all of our ___ (including physical strengths, economic strengths, social strengths, and any area of life in which we have strengths or resources).
- 1. We are to ___ the LORD’s commandments to our children, impressing them onto the next generation over and over again (Dt 6:7; cf. Dt 4:25-26, 4:40).
- 2. ___ the LORD’s commandments on our houses and gates should remind us that the LORD is the head of the house, and that the LORD’s law governs our financial and legal dealings (Dt 6:9).
- 4. Upon entering the Promised Land, Israel is not to worship any foreign gods or idols, but to be exclusively faithful to the LORD, and the LORD ___ (Dt. 6:4).
- 5. In Scripture, truly listening to the LORD is not merely about hearing, but ____ (cf. Dt 6:3).
- 6. In the New Testament, Jesus says that this passage is the greatest (Mt 22:35-37) and most ____ commandment (Mk 12:28-30).
- 8. Let’s be about the LORD’s business (___): Listen, Love, Convey!
- 11. In Scripture, the ___ is not merely the seat of one’s feelings, but one’s thoughts, desires, and will. The ___, referring to the totality of our inner self, is where we distinguish between right and wrong (Dt 6:5; cf. 1 Ki 3:9).