Court System - Criminal & Civil

  1. 1. In a civil case, this is the person bringing the case to court (the accuser)
  2. 5. The process of exchanging evidence/witnesses between both sides before a trial
  3. 7. In a criminal trial, to secure a guilty verdict, the prosecutor must prove someone guilty "Beyond a ____ ____"
  4. 9. The ______ jury (or trial jury) decides the verdict of a case, deciding Guilty/Not Guilty.
  5. 11. A non-court way of finding a civil remedy which includes both sides agreeing to (a) tell their side of the issue and then (b) allow a third-party to make a binding ruling on the case (i.e. Judge Judy)
  6. 13. The person in the courtroom who maintains order and, sometimes, helps the jury to understand the law
  7. 15. In a criminal case, this is the institution that declares a crime has occurred and brings the Accused to court
  8. 16. Most criminal cases do NOT make it to a courtroom, instead ending in a ________ (or agreement to settle between both parties).
  9. 17. In a civil or criminal case, this is the person being accused.
  10. 19. This is the idea that higher courts use previously made decisions, or ____, to impact their current rulings.
  1. 2. A defendant might take this action if they feel their Due Process Rights were unjustly violated during a trial
  2. 3. The degree of evidence required to find "guilt" (or responsibility) in a Civil case
  3. 4. The ______ jury simply decides if there is "probable cause" / enough evidence for a criminal trial to proceed to the next phase
  4. 6. This system of court exists for people under the age of 18
  5. 8. Minor crimes, like shoplifting / possession of stolen goods / trespassing, are categorized as this.
  6. 10. The type of jurisdiction that the court which determines the initial verdict holds
  7. 12. Major crimes, like murder / assault / arson, are categorized as this.
  8. 14. Cases that arrive at the SCOTUS via the State Courts "path"
  9. 18. If a jury cannot decide on a verdict, it is known as ___