
  1. 4. Rules that Muslims follow
  2. 8. A feudal oath of loyalty sworn to a lord in exchange for an award of land
  3. 11. A religion stemming from the same tree as Christianity and Judaism
  4. 12. People fighting for the Holy Land
  5. 14. A person who receives land and protection from a feudal lord in return for loyalty to that lord
  6. 15. A social and political order after the Roman empire
  1. 1. A religion that does believe Jesus was revived
  2. 2. The masters of their craft who worked to decide what the pay would be for it
  3. 3. exchanged for military service
  4. 5. The last profit for Islam
  5. 6. A religion that does not believe Jesus was revived
  6. 7. and Bailey Castles
  7. 9. A side of Islam that is barely followed
  8. 10. A side of Islam that is mainly followed today
  9. 13. A member of the lowest feudal class, bound to the land and whoever owned the land