Geometry Vocabulary

  1. 3. is a pattern used to construct a polyhedron. Two dimensional that forms into a three-dimensional shape
  2. 7. Is a quadrilateral in which each pair of opposite sides is parallel. It has two pairs of parallel sides and the opposite angles are equal.
  3. 9. It is the amount of space inside the shape measured in square units. It helps understand the size of the surface or region enclosed by the shape
  4. 10. two or more lines that are always the same distance apart and never meet.They will never touch no matter how far they are extended.
  5. 11. A statement that has been proven to be true based on facts and logic. Helps explain and prove various properties of shapes and figures.
  6. 13. Is a line segment drawn from the vertex of a triangle perpendicular to the opposite side forming a right angle. It helps in measuring the height of the triangle in a pyramid
  7. 14. When one shape becomes exactly like another if you flip, slide or turn it. It's like a mirror image where one side is a perfect reflection of the other.
  8. 15. Is the top point where all the triangular faces meet. It's like the highest point of a pyramid
  9. 18. A triangle containing one angle that is 90 degrees
  10. 19. It is the amount of space that a three dimensional object occupies. It's like the capacity or size of the object in terms of cubic units.
  1. 1. Points that are points in the same plane. If we have a flat surface all the points would be in the same flat space.
  2. 2. Is the union of two distinct rays that share only an endpoint. It is a measure of the amount of turn between the two lines, typically measured in degrees.
  3. 4. Is a polyhedron determined by a polygon and a point not in the plane of the polygon. It consists of the triangle regions determined by the point and each pair of consecutive vertices of the polygon
  4. 5. Is a line segment that connects the center of a circle to any point on the circle's circumference. It is the distance from the center of the circle to any point on it's edge
  5. 6. It is the bottom of a shape or the lower side that forms the foundation. It is often used as a reference for other measurements or calculations within the shape
  6. 8. A point where two lines or line segments meet. It is like a corner point where the lines intersect
  7. 10. A shape that has straight sides and angles. It can be a shape like a pentagon.
  8. 12. Is a unit of length used to measure distance. Helps in determining the size or length of different geometric figures
  9. 16. Is a polyhedron in which two congruent polygonal faces lie in parallel planes. The remaining faces are parallelograms
  10. 17. Are shapes that have the same size and shape. You can move, rotate or flip one of the shapes to match the other exactly.