Semana Santa_2

  1. 1. Domingo de Ramos in English
  2. 3. Ash in Spanish
  3. 6. A burning of an effigy takes place on Sábado de _______.
  4. 7. The week after Semana Santa is la Semana de ____.
  5. 10. Carry the weight of the pasos or floats
  6. 11. Carry processional candles and crosses; may walk barefoot
  7. 12. Candle in Spanish
  8. 14. Viernes Santo in English
  9. 15. Semana Santa meaning
  10. 16. Hood with a conical tip
  11. 17. Cruz in English
  12. 19. Lent in Spanish
  13. 21. Palmera in English
  14. 22. Maundy Thursday in Spanish
  1. 2. Procesión del _________, procession of silence
  2. 4. church in Spanish
  3. 5. Domingo de Pascua in English
  4. 8. Mexico is nearly 90% ________.
  5. 9. Colored egg shells filled with confetti
  6. 13. A food like french toast served during La Semana Santa
  7. 18. Many Mexican families also take a ________during this time.
  8. 20. Number of churches to visit on Maundy Thursday