
  1. 3. Needle length unit
  2. 5. Hormone used to treat diabetes
  3. 8. Invasion of the body by harmful microorganisms
  4. 9. Device for injecting or drawing fluids
  5. 11. Substance that inhibits the growth of microorganisms
  6. 14. Within or into a muscle
  7. 16. Substance that stimulates an immune response
  8. 17. Gradual narrowing
  9. 18. Container used to hold something
  10. 19. Person who draws blood for medical testing
  11. 21. Diameter of a tube, often referring to needle gauge
  12. 22. Arm muscle often used for injections
  1. 1. Located or placed just beneath the skin
  2. 2. Administer a vaccine to
  3. 4. Process of removing something
  4. 6. Relieving pain
  5. 7. A surgical cut made in skin or flesh
  6. 10. Within or into a vein
  7. 12. Act of administering a liquid medication into the body
  8. 13. Hormone and neurotransmitter also known as adrenaline
  9. 15. Response to a stimulus
  10. 20. Small, sharp knife used in surgery