English Speaking countries

  1. 3. What is the name of American flag?
  2. 6. Where is the capital of Wales
  3. 7. The motto of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?
  4. 9. What is the official language of Canada apart from English?
  5. 10. What does The Bald Eagle represent?
  6. 12. The national symbol of the USA
  7. 14. What is the capital city of New Zealand?
  8. 15. Where is the financial and cultural center of the USA?
  9. 17. Where we can find almost all animals and insects which are poisonous?
  10. 19. What is the floral symbol of England?
  11. 20. Write one the biggest cities in Australia?
  12. 21. Which is the largest and capital city of Narthern Ireland?
  1. 1. What is the symbol of Canada
  2. 2. What is the national symbol of Wales?
  3. 4. What is the name of the national flag of the UK?
  4. 5. What do 13 horizontal stripes represent in the flag of the USA?
  5. 8. What is the motto of Canada
  6. 11. What is the motto of the USA?
  7. 13. Where is the second largest country in the world?
  8. 16. Australia was discovered by whom?
  9. 18. Where is the capital Scotland?