Easy Breezy
- 4. The ‘Father of Relativity’
- 6. ___Find out what it means to me – Line from popular AF song
- 8. This was the first animal to ever be cloned
- 10. Book that inspires many religious songs
- 11. John 11:35
- 13. Spanish for ‘WORK
- 14. The man who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly is this
- 1. Characteristic of a godly wife
- 2. Earth is ___million miles away from the sun
- 3. ___Make it a better place – Line from popular MJ song
- 5. What Moses told Pharoah
- 7. This King threw Daniel into the den of lions
- 9. Idol created by the Israelites
- 12. Best Selling Book of all time according to the Guinness World Records