Genetics Crossword

  1. 3. An offspring produced by asexual reproduction, either naturally or through artificial processes, that is identical to the parent
  2. 7. Process by which a sperm cell from a male unites with an egg cell from a female to produce offspring that inherit traits from both
  3. 9. The study of genes
  4. 11. The genetic phenomenon in which a trait is not observed, or is "hidden," in the phenotype of a heterozygous individual
  5. 14. Used to predict possible genotypes & phenotypes of offspring.
  6. 18. Describes a trait that covers over, or dominates, another form of that trait. Is the allele that is always expressed
  7. 20. The mixing of genes
  8. 21. The genetic make up;it decides what traits someone has
  9. 23. A specific sequence or section of DNA that determines one or more traits
  10. 24. The two alleles are DIFFERENT. These are hybrid. Example- Gg or gG
  11. 25. A process by which organisms make exact copies of themselves without the union of gametes (sperm and egg cells)
  1. 1. Tightly coiled DNA strand;it forms genes.It carries genetic information.
  2. 2. Both alleles are the SAME. They are either both capital (dominant) or lowercase (recessive). These are purebred. Example- GG or gg
  3. 4. A specific characteristic that varies from one individual to another
  4. 5. The process of mating animals or crossing plants to produce offspring
  5. 6. A characteristic that is gained from parents
  6. 8. A form of gene. They are the upper and lowercase letters that are used in Punnett Squares
  7. 10. The father of genetics. He discovered heredity by using pea plants.He discovered the common 3-to-1 ratio.
  8. 12. When a new organism is grown out of the parent's body
  9. 13. A physical trait
  10. 15. A combination of two letters involving capital or lowercase letters, or alleles
  11. 16. The passage of genetic information from one generation to the next
  12. 17. A complete set of DNA that the organism inherited from its biological parents
  13. 19. An image that shows all your chromosomes
  14. 22. A set of chromosomes;1 from the mother and 1 from the father