  1. 3. I am the shape of a bean and I have a twin!
  2. 5. This mineral pulls calcium out of our bones when its levels become too high
  3. 6. Those with kidney disease have trouble removing this from their blood
  4. 9. S/sx may include: fatigue, diaphoresis, hunger, confusion
  5. 10. This is a common complication of diabetes, caused by nerve damage
  6. 12. This abbreviation is given when kidneys permanently fail to work
  7. 14. Long-acting insulin
  8. 16. A life-threatening metabolic disturbance caused by hyperglycemia
  9. 18. This is a result of decreased erythropoiesis of the kidneys
  10. 20. Low urine output
  11. 21. We listen for this
  1. 1. The study of #3 across
  2. 2. No urine output
  3. 4. Hormone produced in the pancreas
  4. 7. We feel for this
  5. 8. Before modern biotechnology, what was the first animal that insulin was taken from the pancreas of?
  6. 9. S/sx may include: polydipsia, polyuria, HA, blurred vision
  7. 11. This test measures the amount of glucose in your blood over the last 3 months
  8. 13. Process of removing waste and excess fluid. Two types
  9. 15. Short-acting insulin doses are referred to as this
  10. 17. Patho check! This is the filtering unit of the kidneys
  11. 19. Many of our patients have this. Considered one of the leading causes of chronic kidney disease