Avian Anatomy
- 3. this is a common foot condition for birds if they have underling health issues or abnormal surfaces/perching.
- 7. birds can control the constriction and dilation of this to adjust their sight focus.
- 9. this is an often fatal, notifiable and contagious disease.
- 12. birds expel waste, reproduce and lay eggs through this part of the body.
- 13. this item helps food to be ground up by the gizzard and is essential for many species of birds.
- 15. some birds have specialised reproductive organs. Ducks have _____ shaped genitalia.
- 16. this bone is attached to the sternum and acts as an anchor during flight or swimming.
- 17. bird species which involve the male looking different to the female are sexually ______.
- 1. birds do not have these in their mouths.
- 2. most birds do not have a sense of ______.
- 4. birds can see this on the colour spectrum, humans cannot.
- 5. birds do not just have lungs but also ______ for efficient respiration.
- 6. this is the organ that grinds up food.
- 8. bird faeces usually have a white element to their faeces. This is their _____.
- 10. birds tend to use sand, dirt or snow instead of water to do this.
- 11. feathers, beaks, nails/claws are all made of ______.
- 14. most birds which are capable of flight have pneumatic / _____ bones.
- 15. this is the organ food is stored in first after leaving the oesphagus.