Topic 16 Emperialism

  1. 2. Famous statement that identified Great Britian during the Age of Imperialism
  2. 5. What revolution was happening, during the Age of Imperialism
  3. 7. The British Monarch during the Age of Imperialism
  4. 10. Colony maintains the ruler/local elite but their power is controlled by the mother country
  5. 11. At the Berlin Conference from 1884-5 Bismarck did not include representatives from _______. Forced to adopt European customs. Saw little benefit from their hard work
  6. 12. Great Britian forcefully took South Africa away from the Dutch for the
  7. 17. Two southeast Asian countries/societies in the early 1700’s that were under European rule
  8. 20. China believed the best diplomatic tool to protect themselves from foreigners was
  9. 21. Mathew Perry made friends with this Asian country even though it maintained its independence. The only Asian country to create it’s own Age of Imperialism was
  10. 23. Americans used this policy to gain access to China
  11. 24. The domination and extension of a nation’s power over other lands
  12. 26. Shortcut created between Europe and Asia
  13. 27. India’s independence champion
  14. 28. The two continents of the Age of Imperialism
  15. 29. The only country not to have colonies in East Africa
  16. 31. The Asia colony that was considered the “Jewel in the Crown” of Queen Victoria
  1. 1. Easy travel and wide spread communication
  2. 3. Two countries that controlled the Eastern part of Africa
  3. 4. Poem that became the anthem and justification for Europeans that they were superior and had a moral responsibility to civilize primitive people
  4. 6. Colony has its ruler/local elite removed from power and officials from the mother country rule
  5. 8. The two continents of The Age of Exploration
  6. 9. Japan, during Meiji Restoration, modeled itself after this country to achieve it’s goal of ‘rich country and a strong state’
  7. 13. Result was acquiring Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico
  8. 14. The mercenary Hindu and Muslim soldiers were known as
  9. 15. Two countries that remained independent in Africa
  10. 16. Bases Benefits of British Rule
  11. 18. Political unit dependent on another for protection
  12. 19. Bought Egypt’s shares in the Suez Canal because of debt. This country had a sense of superiority controlling most of Africa
  13. 22. Italy was humiliated by this independent African country
  14. 25. The belief that people should be loyal mainly to their nation – that is, to the people with whom they share a culture and a history, rather than to a king or ruler.
  15. 30. Incorporate a country within a country