
  1. 2. Fixes and installs pipes, toilets, sinks etc.
  2. 5. Responds to emergencies and fights fires
  3. 7. Designs and builds structures or systems
  4. 11. Prepares and cooks food
  5. 12. Chief Executive Officer
  6. 13. Provides medical care to animals
  7. 14. Practices law and represents clients
  8. 15. Flies aircraft
  9. 16. Prepares and serves coffee and other beverages
  1. 1. Cares for patients
  2. 2. works in government (leaders)
  3. 3. Conducts research and experiments (physics, biology, chemistry)
  4. 4. Takes care of teeth and oral health
  5. 6. Educates students
  6. 8. Provides medical care
  7. 9. Repairs and maintains vehicles
  8. 10. Offers counselling for emotional problems