Changes in Nature

  1. 6. Action in which animals move to a new place
  2. 9. A deep sleep in which animals save energy for long periods of time
  3. 10. Chemical of plants that gather sunlight
  4. 12. English classroom’s pet name
  5. 13. Plural of mouse 🐁
  6. 15. Plural of goose πŸͺΏ
  7. 16. The soft, thick hair that covers the bodies of some animals
  8. 17. A sea animal that migrates
  1. 1. Plural of woman πŸ§β€β™€οΈ
  2. 2. Maximum amount of months an Arctic ground squirrel can hibernate
  3. 3. Spring, summer, fall and winter
  4. 4. Plural of man πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ
  5. 5. Animals and plants wake up and grow during _______.
  6. 7. Leaves can also grow ______ in order to protect themselves from cold and floating things
  7. 8. Plural of fish 🐠
  8. 10. Plural of child
  9. 11. Season known to be cold
  10. 14. Plural of tooth 🦷