Sugar and Diabetes

  1. 2. To destroy sugar in our body, by moving physically starting with 'b'
  2. 5. something our body loses unexpectedly as a symptom of diabetes
  3. 8. A compound sugar called double sugars but also known as something starting with 'd'
  4. 10. something that our body stop's producing that can cause diabetes
  1. 1. A common sugar starting with 's'
  2. 3. Another symptom for Diabetes can affect our eye's...
  3. 4. When we have a lot of sugar, then we can get a lot of pimples, ad strong something starting with 'a'
  4. 6. too much sugar can damage the hearts something starting with 't'
  5. 7. Having a lot of sugar can also be the equivalent to being addictive to something starting with 'c'
  6. 9. the effects of sugar can be more effective than something starting with 'a'