Y10 - punishment 1

  1. 2. Nation in the UK which still allows some forms of corporal punishment on children (other than Northern Ireland).
  2. 4. Murderer reformed by the Buddha.
  3. 7. Aim of punishment: helping the criminal see how and why their behaviour was wrong, so that their mindset changes for the better.
  4. 8. The aim of punishment: put people off committing crimes by the level of punishment.
  5. 10. Teaching in Buddhism (and other religions) that our good/bad deed will affect us in this life and future lives.
  6. 12. Aim of punishment: getting the criminal back for their crimes.
  7. 14. Punishment in which physical pain is inflicted on the criminal.
  8. 15. Quaker who campaigned to reform prisons.
  9. 18. State sanctioned execution for a capital offence.
  10. 19. Christian figure who was flogged 39 times (a form of corporal punishment) before being executed.
  1. 1. Parable which suggests that on the Day of Judgement people will be judged for actions (visiting prisoners is listed as a good action).
  2. 3. A building where an offender is kept for a period of time as a method of punishment.
  3. 5. Non-violence in Buddhism (and other religions).
  4. 6. According to Exodus 2:24: '... for an ...' (which word - repeated twice - is missing)?
  5. 7. According to Proverbs 13:24, 'He who spares the ... hates their children.' What is the missing word?
  6. 9. Punishment involving the criminal doing a set number of hours of physical labour.
  7. 11. According to Exodus 2:24: '... for a ...' (which word - repeated twice - is missing)?
  8. 13. Where the criminal makes up for, or pays back for, their crimes.
  9. 16. Tax collector who, after meeting Jesus, agreed to pay back those he'd cheated four times over.
  10. 17. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says that if someone slaps you then you should turn the other ... (what)?