Happy Birthday Rooh ♥♥♥

  1. 3. Your fav Naruto character dattebayooo
  2. 4. Our fav beverage :3
  3. 7. Your ultra max comfy eet :')
  4. 9. Tu jugnu chamakta, mein jungle ghanera, mein _
  5. 10. Bachpan ka yaar mujhe bhul nahi jana re
  6. 11. My _
  7. 12. _ the broken 🍑
  8. 13. The gentle thief that embraces you unexpectedly
  1. 1. Bestower of golden things
  2. 2. The month your smile was born
  3. 3. The month I learnt humbleness :p
  4. 4. You call me cheesy, yet you adore this cheesy delight
  5. 5. Smol ruchu might have flushed this
  6. 6. Your first crush
  7. 8. Something you and Ed Sheeran have in common
  8. 10. Our first shared bite, instant magic
  9. 12. Your fav type of rose