Name the missing verbs

  1. 4. I like to _________ water after I play soccer.
  2. 5. We always ___________ after someone does a presentation.
  3. 7. Yesterday we ________ our new vocabulary cards.
  4. 8. We need to ___________ our books.
  5. 9. I like to ____________ sandwiches.
  6. 10. My mom says I should never _________ money to strangers.
  7. 12. They need to _________ a new house.
  8. 14. He likes to ___________ his new car.
  9. 15. We like to _________________ in the pool at school.
  1. 1. He likes to ______________ his money.
  2. 2. He like to _________________ new sculptures.
  3. 3. He likes to _____________like an animal.
  4. 6. He likes to ___________________ that he's a grape.
  5. 11. We __________________ books at the library.
  6. 13. Sometimes I __________ my phone when I shouldn't.