  1. 4. Greek hero who performed 12 labors
  2. 5. Queen of the gods/men, symbols: peacock, cuckoo
  3. 7. God of love, son of Venus, symbols: arrows, wings
  4. 8. The greatest Greek warrior, killed when shot in the heel
  5. 9. Chief Titan, overthrew Uranus and married Rhea, father of Olympian gods
  6. 10. Wisest of the Titans, gave fire to man, condemned to have his liver eternally plucked out
  7. 12. Founder of the future site of Rome
  8. 14. God of the sea, symbols: trident, dolphin, horses
  9. 16. Mother Earth, mother of the Titans
  10. 18. Goddess of wisdom, war, and weaving, symbols: Aegis, owl, olive tree
  11. 21. God of wine, women, fertility
  12. 22. Greek hero, killed Medusa
  13. 25. Father Sky, father of Titan, overpowered by Cronus/Saturn
  14. 26. God of war, agriculture, symbols: sword, shield, dogs, vultures
  15. 27. Goddess of the hearth and home, symbols: hearth fire, vestal virgins
  1. 1. Goddess of grain, agriculture, symbols: wheat, poppies, cornucopia
  2. 2. Killed his father and married his mother (accidentally)
  3. 3. he greatest Trojan warrior
  4. 6. God of the sun, poetry, music, music, and medicine, symbols: lyre, sub, chariot, arrow
  5. 8. Goddess of moon, the hunt, and virginity, symbols: crescent moon, stag
  6. 10. Her name means “the gift of all,” disobeyed the gods and opened a box that filled the world with evils
  7. 11. Messenger of the gods, symbols: winged cap, winged sandals, caduceus
  8. 12. Goddess of love and beauty, symbols: doves, sparrows
  9. 13. Titan whose name means after thought, married to Pandora
  10. 15. God of fire, blacksmith god, symbols: anvil, forge
  11. 17. Accidentally caught sight of Artemis bathing, he was turned into a stag and ripped apart by his own hunting dogs
  12. 19. Greek hero, killed the minotaur
  13. 20. Sister and wife of Cronus/Saturn, mother of Olympian gods
  14. 23. King of the gods and men, symbols: eagle, thunderbolt, white oak
  15. 24. God of the Underworld, symbols: Cerberus, scepter