Gospel of John

  1. 3. A pool that had five porticoes.
  2. 5. The exclamation Mary Magdalene made when she saw the risen Lord.
  3. 8. The disciple who said “Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied.”
  4. 14. Who lays down his life for the sheep.
  5. 15. The number of days Lazarus had been in the tomb when Jesus arrived
  6. 17. Zeal for your house will _______ me.
  7. 19. Man who was released by Pilate in place of Jesus.
  8. 22. Jesus referred to himself as the true _______.
  9. 25. Place where Jesu taught about the bread of life.
  10. 26. They hated me without a _____.
  11. 27. _______means Sent.
  12. 29. Jesus said, "I am giving you these ______ so that you may love one another."
  13. 30. The inscription on the Cross was written in how many languages?
  1. 1. Father-in-law of Caiaphas, the high priest.
  2. 2. Sea of Galilee is also called Sea of ______.
  3. 4. John was baptizing at this place near Salim.
  4. 6. The prophet who said, “Lord, who has believed our message, and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?”
  5. 7. Little _____, I am with you only a little longer.
  6. 9. Everyone who belongs to the _______ listens to my voice.
  7. 10. The perfume with which Mary anointed Jesus' feet was made of pure_____.
  8. 11. The disciple who was also called twin.
  9. 12. What will the Father give to Jesus' disciples to be with them forever?
  10. 13. Festival during which Jesus taught about the rivers of living water.
  11. 16. Those who speak on their own seek their own _____.
  12. 18. The name of high priest’s slave whose ear was cut off bty Simon Peter.
  13. 20. One of the disciples of John who followed Jesus.
  14. 21. It was the day of _______ when Jesus' side was pierced.
  15. 23. A pharisee who defended Jesus before Jewish authorities
  16. 24. The day when Jesus healed the man born blind.
  17. 28. You are from your father the _____, and you choose to do your father’s desires