
  1. 4. The study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics.
  2. 5. Different forms of a gene that can exist at a specific spot on a chromosome.
  3. 8. Traits or characteristics inherited from parents.
  4. 11. The molecule that carries genetic information in living organisms.
  5. 12. A large ball of DNA.
  6. 13. A specific characteristic of an individual.
  7. 14. To receive traits or characteristics from parents through genes.
  1. 1. The scientist known as the father of modern genetics.
  2. 2. The complete set of genes or genetic material in an organism.
  3. 3. The scientific study of life and living organisms.
  4. 4. A segment of DNA that codes for a specific protein.
  5. 6. A heritable feature that varies among individuals.
  6. 7. Scientist who proposed the theory of evolution through natural selection.
  7. 9. An allele that is only expressed when two copies are present.
  8. 10. An allele that is expressed when at least one copy is present.