7 - Sailing With Columbus

  1. 1. The lowest part of a ship's hull where water collects because of rain or rough seas.
  2. 2. An instrument captains used to navigate in the 1500s.
  3. 6. Punishments were carried out with the entire crew watching to _____ the rule-breaker.
  4. 7. To stop rats from eating rations, most ships had one of these onboard.
  5. 10. One morning job of sailors was working the _____.
  6. 11. Ships in the age of Columbus could reach a speed of 30 _____ per hour.
  7. 14. Captains insisted on this from their crew.
  8. 16. Instrument used to measure distance covered in the 1500s.
  9. 18. Days began with prayers and singing _____.
  10. 19. Crew member who supervised the maintenance and firing of guns.
  11. 20. Main beverage aboard ships because it preserved well.
  1. 1. Crew member in charge of the sails.
  2. 3. Another name for sea songs sang by sailors.
  3. 4. A small offense that could result in punishment if one did it while on duty.
  4. 5. Nationality of the fleet in the image.
  5. 6. Minimum age to become a sailor.
  6. 8. Any minor injury ran the risk of _____, which could lead to limb amputation.
  7. 9. Scurvy caused these to fall out.
  8. 12. Sailors were susceptible to this disease because their diet lacked fresh fruits and vegetables.
  9. 13. Most common punishment which involved beeating with a cat-o'-nine-tails.
  10. 15. Time when main meal were served.
  11. 17. The only light source to work at night...so they didn't.