Of Mice and Men Chapter 2 Vocabulary

  1. 3. How Curley's wife feels as she leaves the bunkhouse, in search of Curley
  2. 6. Lennie smiled _______ at the compliment
  3. 8. George ________ told the old swamper about Lennie's strength
  4. 9. Lennie tried to _______ his ear after George grabbed him by the ear
  5. 12. His head still dripped water from the scrubbing and ________ (in present tense)
  6. 13. Word used to describe Curley's wife bending her body seductively
  7. 14. positively kills lice, roaches and other ________.
  1. 1. Don't tell Curley I said none of this. He'd _____ me.
  2. 2. though Curley's wife did not seem to be looking at Lennie she _______ a little
  3. 4. Curley's glance at George and Lennie was (synonym for combative)
  4. 5. The old swamper was reassured after drawing a _________ statement from George
  5. 7. George was slightly _________ after the old swamper reassured him he was not eavesdropping
  6. 10. Carlson stepped back to let Slim (synonym for go in front of)
  7. 11. Curley's glance at George and Lennie was (synonym for devious)