Unit 2 notes (and unit 1)

  1. 4. The liter is a unit of this quantity.
  2. 5. The most important piece of safety equipment.
  3. 6. Process when a solid changes into a liquid
  4. 9. Process when a liquid changes into a solid
  5. 10. Flat section on a graph
  6. 12. A "picture" of quantitative data
  7. 14. Mass divided by volume
  8. 15. When you take the same amount of particles and put them in a smaller space.
  9. 17. This state of matter ALWAYS has same volume and shape
  10. 18. The plunger did not get sucked to the board, it got _______.
  11. 19. The axis that the dependent variable is on
  1. 1. The official name of particles of matter (really small)
  2. 2. This state of matter is NOT easily compressed and takes shape of container
  3. 3. The variable that goes on the vertical axis.
  4. 7. This state of matter is when the particles are farthest apart
  5. 8. The variable that the scientist controls
  6. 11. This is why the plunger stuck to the board (2 words)
  7. 13. This word describes why particles in solids cannot move past each other.
  8. 16. This state of matter is the air around a lightning bolt.