  1. 2. The third stage of mitosis. When the chromosomes split apart
  2. 3. The process where stem cells transform into different cells in your body
  3. 9. Different methods that can be used to take pictures of internal bodily structures
  4. 11. The state where evrything in the body is working normally while doing physical tasks
  5. 14. When these cells divide, the expand the plants surface area
  6. 15. A group of organs that help each other to carry out basic functios throughout the body
  7. 17. "Organs" if the Cell
  8. 19. The smallest blood vessels. Only about 1 cell thick
  9. 21. The tissue that is created by meristematic cells
  10. 23. Internal tissues of leaves
  11. 24. A part of an organism that is tasked to carry out the basic functions of the body
  12. 26. Tissues that transport organic compounds inside plants
  1. 1. The process of restoring lost body parts
  2. 3. Movement of matter from an aera of high concentration to an area of low concentration
  3. 4. Pores on the surface of leaves that control the flow of gases
  4. 5. Strategies that health officials use to treat patients
  5. 6. Checking the DNA of your cells. This can be used to trace back ancestory or health problems.
  6. 7. How much matter is in a given space
  7. 8. The process of cell division
  8. 10. The process of your body becoming immune to a certain diseases and/or viruses
  9. 12. The act of assimliating 1 substance into another substance
  10. 13. The basic unit of life
  11. 16. The first stage of mitiosis. When the DNA duplicated
  12. 18. cells Cells that inhabit our blood. Contains hemoglobin
  13. 20. Organs systems that rely on each other to carry out their jobs are...
  14. 22. A large collective of healthy cells. Usually used to form organs
  15. 25. Vascular tissues located inside plants that help move water around the plant