Head First - Design Patters. Chapter 1 Crossword

  1. 3. Design patterns are a shared ____.
  2. 7. Java IO, Networking, Sound.
  3. 11. Favor this over inheritance.
  4. 12. Duck demo was located here.
  5. 13. Patterns go into your ____.
  6. 14. Learn from the other guys ____.
  7. 16. Development constant.
  8. 17. Strategies can be ____.
  9. 18. Grilled cheese with bacon.
  1. 1. Program to this, not to implementations
  2. 2. Rubber ducks make a ____.
  3. 4. Rick was thrilled with this pattern.
  4. 5. Patterns can help us build ____ applications.
  5. 6. Pattern that fixed the simulator.
  6. 8. ____ what varies.
  7. 9. Ducks that can't quack.
  8. 10. Most patterns follow from OO ____.
  9. 15. High-level libraries.