BoulderCAST 2024 Holiday Crossword
- 4. Orographic UFOs
- 5. Can be Arctic, or alpine
- 7. Palmer Divide's little sibling to the north
- 11. Pinks, greens and purples, oh my!
- 12. Our summer rain culprit, usually
- 21. Most common source of Front Range Air Quality Alerts in summer
- 24. An 'explosive' low
- 26. Europe's NWS
- 28. Sol-Terra-Luna alignment
- 29. Rain, snow and everything in between
- 31. 1.15 MPH
- 32. Cause of alpine strawberry snow
- 33. Colorado is the third ranked state in the country for deaths caused by this
- 34. Move the "wrong" way, in terms of weather
- 35. Boulder's wettest month, on average
- 36. A persistent, expansive wall of damaging winds
- 40. When clouds become rainbows
- 42. Fabled source of the pre-winter storm smells
- 43. Denver's controversial climate site
- 45. Wispy ice, high above
- 46. Highpoint of Boulder County
- 47. The loudest wintry weather
- 49. Akin to evaporation, but for ice
- 1. Boulder County city that looks up to all others
- 2. A chilly, tropical Pacific
- 3. Boulder's all-time hottest temperature
- 6. The lesser used gas in weather balloons
- 8. Half light, half dark
- 9. Our biggest blaze
- 10. Baseline Road, cartographically
- 13. We mostly breathe in this
- 14. Inches of rain in Boulder during that fateful week in 2013
- 15. Boulder's snowiest month, on average
- 16. Baby rain
- 17. Cluster of runs from a single model
- 18. Between the Mountains & Plains
- 19. H2O, CO2, and CH4
- 20. The best upslope is _____ to the mountain barrier
- 22. BoulderCAST was born
- 23. The permanent resting place of the world's largest hailstone
- 25. Barely borders our state
- 27. This Colorado county averages the most number of tornadoes per year in the entire country
- 30. Study of weather
- 32. Gauges the breeze
- 37. Summer flashes, seen but not heard
- 38. Boulder's official climate station locale, at present
- 39. It doesn't really mean "snow eater"
- 41. Weather-related department at CU, abbreviated
- 42. Tiny snowballs raining down
- 44. What truly makes forecasting in Denver difficult
- 48. A Greek atmospheric jam