2024 NYC Hazard Mitigation Plan

  1. 3. A unit at NYCEM, and a way to reduce the impact from natural hazards.
  2. 4. On average, more deaths occur from this natural hazard than any other.
  3. 9. Two words. This hazard stems from deliberate and purposeful human actions; it is not natural.
  4. 10. This natural hazard can hit with little warning, and can cause major damage to infrastructure.
  5. 11. Two words; first is an acronym. A tool in the HMP that allows users to visualize their risks from natural hazards.
  6. 13. Two words. This hazard plays a significant role in the retreat of NYC shorelines.
  7. 14. Two words; the second is an acronym with two letters. This natural hazard is caused by high levels of pollutants in the atmosphere.
  8. 15. Some may be surprised to learn that these natural hazards can happen in NYC, not just on the West Coast.
  1. 1. Two words. The number of incidents of this natural hazard are expected to decrease with climate change, but individual events may be serious.
  2. 2. NYC experiences four types of this natural hazard.
  3. 5. A common abbreviation for Hazard Mitigation Plan.
  4. 6. This natural hazard is caused by a change in precipitation patterns.
  5. 7. Two words. Climate change is likely to increase the frequency, severity, and impact from this natural hazard.
  6. 8. Challenges facing NYC, mostly from natural sources.
  7. 12. Hazard History and Consequence